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It's never too early to start

Innokids initiated its journey to focus on your kids, making them aware of life early in the age. To get rid of graduate-unemployment, we, innokids are promised to raise your kids as self-confident, skilled and more accurately learned from an early age. We encourage kids to be their own boss in career with proper guidance. Innokids transforms children into kidpreneurs by providing training and incubation in a variety of skill sets such as life skills, soft skills, technology skills, and business skills. 

Why Choose Innokids

Ensure children’s early employability

To be self dependent, becoming skilled and resourceful is a must. Here though training and mentorship a child will be skilled with four basic skills: Life skills, Soft skills, Tech skills and Business skills. This can ensure early employability and self financing ability of a child.


Proven curriculum is followed


Building skilled human resource

Students Trained
Core Activities

Developing entrepreneurial mindset

Months-Long Entrepreneurial Programmes

These kinds of programmes are a tried and tested approach by Innokids which prioritizes children of 12-16 years old and teaches them the basics of entrepreneurship, business, and other entrepreneurial skills in a hands-on manner and helps them to think individually how to pitch, start, fund, and run their own business. The duration of these flagship programmes is six months.

Bootcamp Programmes

Boot-camp programmes, through which we try to ensure that your children get the best from our professional and highly skilled facilitators. To make it real, our facilitators take them through some high-quality training sessions so that your children can become much better at networking, creating their projects and boasting new skill sets that also in a short period

Interactive Workshops

Our workshop programmes quench the practical curiosities of children by providing them with practical frameworks in life skills, tech skills, soft skills, business skills. Make them how to imagine new, cause imagination is a must needed component without which innovation wouldn’t be possible. Because of their imagination, they will think of new products & innovations that might change the world in a good way.

Personalized Mentoring & Coaching

Our personalized mentoring plan makes sure that throughout their stay, the children are getting the benefit of personalized accompaniment of the facilitators to enable them to progress at a rhythm and constant guidance based on their needs and objectives.

Upcoming Courses

Get future ready with innokids

Our People

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Impact Stories

Feedback from the stakeholders

When I was in 5th grade, I used to see my brother do many things when I told him to include me. He used to say that you will not understand these at a young age. From this insistence, I thought I could do something. Here INNOKIDS has started to teach me a lot, I have learned skills from a young age, I have started dreaming. I wouldn't understand many things that can be done besides studying if I don't come to INNOKIDS.

Alam Haque Class 9

নিজেকে একজন সফটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ার হিসেবে দেখতে চাইতাম ছোট বেলা থেকে ,এখন ক্লাস ৯ এ পড়ি ,এই কয়দিন খুব খোঁজার পর ও কিছু বুজতে পারলাম না কি করবো ,কিন্তু এই শুন্যতায় INNOKIDS পাশে আছে তারা আমাকে সময়ের সঠিক ব্যবহার, পর্যাপ্ত স্কিল শিখাচ্ছে। এছাড়াও ভবিষ্যতের জন্য নিজেকে গুছানোর জন্য যা করণীয় তা শিখাচ্ছে।

Fahim Islam Class 9

যখন আমি প্রথম স্টিভ জবস,ওয়ারেন বাফেট তাদের জিবনের গল্প শুনতাম,তখন একটা মিল খুজে পেতাম যে তারা ছোট বেলা থেকেই শুরু করেছে, কিন্তু আমাদের সিস্টেম আমাদের শুরু করতে দেয় ২৫ বছর থেকে । আমরা সময় পাই না নিজেকে গুছানোর। এসব ভাবতে ভাবতে অনেক কিছু খুজতে লাগ্লাম,তখন ই INNOKIDSকে পেলাম ঠিক যেটা খুজতেছিলাম। এখন আমি সপ্ন দেখি নিজেকে একজন বড় উদ্যোক্তা হিসেবে তাদের মত ।আমি INNOKIDS এর মাধ্যমে অনেক মানুষ পেয়েছি যারা আমার মত চিন্তা করে। আমরা সবাই মিলে একটা কমিনিউটি বানিয়েছি।

Abdullah Al Masum Class 8

    Mr. Abdur Rahman, Businessman Businessman

    My kid is really addicted to the internet, therefore I was wondering if there was anything profitable that could be done for him online. Suddenly, I discovered KIDSPRENEUR Program by INNOKIDS. Affter speaking with them, they put my son in a program. Now I see my child learning a lot from the internet, planning his future, dreaming, and even preparing for the actual world. INNOKIDS is an excellent place for online-addicted youngsters to flip over and receive assistance.

    Naznin Nahar, Job Holder Job Holder

    আমি আমার জব করার সময় বুঝতেছি আসলে পড়াশুনার পাশাপাশি কিছু স্কিল লাগে আমাদের, যেটা আমার ছিল না বলে অনেক বিড়ম্বনার মধ্য পড়তে হয়েছে। আমি চাই না আমার ছেলে এমন অবস্থায় পড়ুক। আমি যখন বুঝতে শুরু করেছি নতুন কিছু শিখতে হবে তখন আসলে সময় ছিল না। আমার মত ভুল যাতে আমার ছেলের না হয় তাই একটা বিশ্বাসযোগ্য প্ল্যাটফর্ম খুজতেছিলাম, হঠাৎ KIDSPRENEUR 1.0 by INNOKIDS কে পেলাম। এখন আমার ছেলেকে সেই প্রোগ্রামে ভর্তি করানোর পর দেখলাম, তারা অনেক আইডিয়া সম্পর্কে ধারনা দিল, কি কি স্কিল লাগবে তা সম্পর্কে জানালো।

    Abdus Salam, Engineer Engineer

    My daughter had some desire to accomplish something since she was a youngster, but she has been unable to do it. Again, I was at a loss for what to do for her, so I relied on a guideline provided to my daughter through Innokids in their Kidspreneur Program. She now understands what she needs to do or not to do. She has become more self dependent and I am really grateful to this platform for introducing my child with different skill sets.


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